
What is Learning Spaces?

LearningSpaces is an externally hosted (by CampusPress) installation of WordPress. It’s designed to be used for learning and teaching related activities, to complement, not to replace, the WordPress service offered by UoDIT. While most people will be using this for blogging type activities, it’s also possible to use LearningSpaces to build a static website. Learning and teaching activities can include reflective student blogs, areas to share items of interest for students, group wikis … to name just a few.

How can I get a space for myself or my students?

We have 3 main types of sites

Personal Blog

This is for one person, and can be used however the student or member of staff wishes, as long as the main theme is learning and teaching related. Get a personal blog

Class Blog

These are designed for a specific module. It’s up to the module team to decide if it’s for staff to share content with students, or for all to contribute equally. You can have 1 / cohort – or you may wish to develop a ongoing blog over a number of years. For the class blog, we’ll need to contact you to confirm the list of students, the staff etc. Get a class blog

Set of blogs for a class.

This would be used when you would like all students in a module to create an individual blog – but have them related to the module – e.g. an ePortfolio. For the sets of class blogs, we’ll need to contact you to confirm the list of students, the staff etc. Get a class set of blogs

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